
Why Google Pixel lags 10x more than Moto Z

Optional title In my previous post I made an argument that a modern phone is only as fast as the slowest component: ability of NAND to handle 4k writes. I decided to compare two Android flagships on the opposite ends of random-write-4k benchmark spectrum: Moto Z vs Google Pixel. I wrote a little fio benchmark driver to fill all available device storage with random 4k writes, print perf stats along the way.

Laggy phones and misleading benchmarks

TLDR: You can predict degree of unresponsiveness of a phone via random-write-4k benchmarks. I wish review websites would fill phones to 80-90% prior to running the benchmark, especially on smaller-capacity phones where users are more likely to run out of space. SQLite vs Phone NAND I’ve long held a theory that Android lag is almost directly determined by slowness induced by SQLite transactions. This weekend, while researching phones for a family member, I found some supporting evidence.

Using Economics to Help Ukraine Win

I spent most of my life in North America, but I have been living this war in Ukraine. My hope is that I can use my past experience and connections to help Ukraine win this war. Recently a friend of mine asked what would be the best way to donate $1000. This got me thinking. Wars are won by convincing the opponent that things are only gonna keep getting worse for them and better for you.